Step out of your comfort zone and boost your business health


In business, as in life, there are parts we love (hopefully, most of it!) and parts we’re not crazy about. Today’s newsletter is about facing discomfort to improve your business (and mine). We can do hard things.

All the best,

Kim Byrns,
Virtual Assistant & Communication Specialist
Soaring Solutions

#5 | 10 September 2024

Step out of your comfort zone and boost your business health

I’ve been listening to The Comfort Crisis by Michael Easter. While it’s not about business (it’s about the decline of physical and mental health thanks to the many comforts and traps of modern living), I started thinking about comfort and discomfort in terms of running a business. What are the costs of staying in our comfort zone versus doing what’s uncomfortable?

Many actions that would benefit our small businesses are not the things we enjoy or feel comfortable doing. Naturally, we avoid discomfort.

Consider these activities:

Asking for feedback and constructive criticism

When was the last time you surveyed your customers or asked someone you trust to review your service, processes, or marketing tactics? It can feel vulnerable to get feedback on choices you’ve made, but it can also reveal improvements you hadn’t thought of.

Networking and talking to people you know

This is not advertising or posting on social media; it’s about reaching out and directly talking to people about your business. You might wonder what to say and what people will think. We imagine all kinds of discomfort before we even start. Yet, for many businesses (service-based businesses, in particular), these tactics are essential to start getting referrals. You have to tell people what you do. It’s not selling. And it’s often a lot more enjoyable than you expect.

Whether you struggle with talking about your business or not, I invite you to tell me about your business. I want to hear about it! Email kim[@]

Trusting other people to do things

Are your days filled with tasks that must be done to keep your business running smoothly? And no one else knows how to do these things, right? Allowing someone else to handle some of your work can feel risky at first. However, trusting others to handle some tasks while you shift your focus to other parts of your business can be rewarding.

Setting ambitious goals

Are you setting targets for your business? What if you came up with some stretch goals? Goals that don’t even feel achievable right now. Not setting goals and playing small is easyand it will probably lead to not achieving as much as you’d like. Maybe what stops you is a fear of failure. You can’t fail to meet goals you don’t have! But when you work toward something, even if you only get part-way there, you’re likely better off than if you had no goals at all.

Starting a blog or email newsletter

Maybe it’s time to try something new, like content marketing and growing an email list, but it’s unfamiliar territory. Perhaps you’re unsure about writing or keeping up with this task regularly. (Luckily, there are more tools and resources than ever before to help with writing.) You may feel uneasy about going deeper with your communication and marketing but it could be the right approach for your business.

Asking for testimonials

Getting testimonials involves talking to people you know and it comes with an extra dose of discomfort. I’m right there with you. It’s hard to ask others to do you a favour and they might not do it. While you may be confident in your abilities and worth, the thought of asking for testimonials can bring up feelings of insecurity. However, being able to show recommendations from others is invaluable. Asking for testimonials is the best way to get them. Go for it! #notetoself

What uncomfortable—but valuable—task could you push yourself to do this month?

Many of these activities are vital for business growth and success, and yet it’s easier to stay busy doing what’s comfortable. What are you avoiding? What uncomfortablebut valuabletask could you push yourself to do this month?

Reply to this email anytime and let me know. If you’re reading this on, subscribers can leave me a comment. I’d love to hear from you.

Hoot worthy: LinkedIn Learning

LinkedIn Learning is an amazing resource for learning business, technology, and creative topics and tools.

Learn something new

You can get unlimited access to courses on a free one-month trial or with a monthly or annual subscription.

Tip: If you’re a member of a library or university, you may be able to access LinkedIn Learning for free. Check your institution’s website or call them to ask about it. I use my local library card number to access courses anytime I want.

About me

My name is Kim Byrns. I’m a Virtual Assistant offering admin support and communication services through my business, Soaring Solutions.

I work with solo professionals and small business owners to refresh their online presence and take some tasks off their minds. Learn more about the services I offer.

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